Maintenance of the Trails in Cumberland County

Reporting Maintenance Problems

We have a great team of volunteer trail workers but they cannot fix problems that they do not know about.

We need you help! If you see a problem, like a fallen tree or a flooded section of trail, while hiking on the trails please report it so we can get tit fixed. Reporting is easy. Just click on this button. Find the trail with the problem and make a short report identifying the location as best you can.

Thank you.

Tasks performed by Maintainers (..with help from willing hikers!):

  1. Carry hand clippers to trim back plant growth that is within an arms length left, right and above from the center of the trail.
  2. Entrances and certain areas may require weed trimming to keep chiggers and ticks at bay.
  3. Clear sticks and small branches from the trail.
  4. If possible, in the fall, blow leaves from the trail especially on steps, bridges and steep sections.
  5. Report any problems such as large trees down, loose steps or anything else that requires attention.

When making a report please select the appropriate trail and provide your name, a description of the work and a description of any outstanding problems. If possible give the number of the nearest Emergency 911 Marker to help the maintenance team locate the problem.

You can view the location of all the E911 markers in Cumberland County on this MAP

Trail Locations

Crossville Greenway

The trails that form part of the Crossville Greenway.

  1. Woodlawn Loop,
  2. Little Obed River Trail
  3. Plantation Trail,
  4. Obed River Park Trail,
  5. Maryetta Trail,
  6. Meditation Trail
  7. TCAT Trail

Cumberland Mountain
State Park

All the trails in the State Park.

  1. Short Pioneer Trail
  2. Long Pioneer Trail
  3. Byrd Creek Trail
  4. ADA Paved Trail
  5. Overnight Trail
  6. Alley Cat Bike Trail

Meadow Park

Meadow Lake Park has just one trail.

Soldier’s Beach Trail




Fairfield Glade

There are numerous trails in Fairfield Glade. Click on the button to find out about maintenance of these trails.





Uplands at Pleasant Hill

There are two trails in Uplands Village that is open to the public.

  1. Lake Alice Trail
  2. Adshead Trail



Cumberland Trail

There are five Sections of the Cumberland Trail in Cumberland County. From north to South these are:

  1. Devil’s Breakfast Table to Peavine
  2. Daddy’s Creek Section
  3. Ozone to Black Mountain
  4. Black Mountain to  Route 68
  5. Brady Mountain