Would you like to help?
Working on the Trails in Crossville
We always need help with the trails. There is light work, heavy work, rock work, lopping, pruning digging and raking. A good workout for any level and an opportunity to work with a great bunch of men and women with a passion for trails. We typically work on trails once a week as needed for trail maintenance. During new trail builds, we work once or twice a week until the trail is finished.
Use the red button to join the team and receive an email whenever work is scheduled on the Crossville Greenway.
Use the green button to find out about the next work session and sign up to attend that one session.

Working on the Trails in Fairfield Glade
We always need help with the trails. There is light work, heavy work, rock work, lopping, pruning digging and raking. A good workout for any level and an opportunity to work with a great bunch of men and women from the Glade. The volunteers get together every Saturday morning to work on one of the trails in Fairfield Glade. On the third Saturday each month everyone works on a trail in Crossville.

Make a Donation

If you walk the trails every day or only on rare occasions. Whether you are able to work every week or are physically unable to participate on the trails, you can still make a significant contribution to the trail network we are so fortunate to have around us.
We are very grateful for all the contributions that we have received in support of our trails . You can always help the trail construction activities financially even if you are unable to help with your time, talents or muscles.
Helping with Administration
If you cannot help with physical work on the trails and financial donations are not your thing then there is still lots you can do to help.
A lot of work takes place in the background. We have committees and sub-committees. We have technical jobs – maintaining websites, creating maps, sending bulk emails, etc. We have a hiking Marathon every year and that requires a lot of work.
If you want to do something but you are not sure exactly what, then contact us and we will tell you about current opportunities.
Send an email to John Conrad at crossvilletrails@gmail.com